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All Our Precious Guardians, Students and Well Widhers, Ghodaghodi Multiple Campus(GMC) has made a trustworthly golden platform to all level students which has been animated by highly experienced qualified professionals and dedicaated academicians.

It’s my great gratification to speak that Ghodaghodi Multiple Campus has appeared as the most vibrant and reputed campus toe enrich the academic atmosphere with its best academic excellency in this area. The immense support and enthusiast community people are no more less than millions economy power with extreme dedication to support it for the upliftment of the glocal academia.We target in motivating the average students to the best competent furnishing them with their needs for the potential developments. It has been established aiming at generating the resourceful manpower, who can lead the society by the capable hands and minds produced in GMC atmosphere.

In this regard, the campus management comittee warmly thanks , tribhuwan University, University Grant Commission, District Development Comittee, HSEB community guardians, faculties, students and the well wishers to decor the campus with your invaluable suggestions and kind assistance to stand more gallantly for the establishment of the superiority education in this far-western academia.
Wish Best Regards!

Thank you all!

Vishnu Prasad Sapkota
Ghodaghodi Multiple Campus